
A taste of ones medicine

Well, its cold and flu season, and wouldn't you know it, I have one--or the other.

Which brings up the topic of today entry: medicine. I'm going to talk about a stranger side of my own fetishism, that isn't nearly as common as say pacifiers and baby bottle. Now this is not just a clever segue into simple medical fetishism, but a deeper foray into a particular aspect that doesn't seem to be talked about much, or really examined and that is a fetish for being given medicine. I dare say it is rather rare in fact.

Open your mouth and say "Ahhh"

Now, it is most certainly related to medical fetishism. I pin it squarely on the feeling of helplessness that one is reduced to in any kind of medical setting. In a sense being given medicine is one of those moments in your life where you just have to sit back and take the medicine. Sometimes its a big struggle, sometimes it's not; at the end of the day however, the medicine goes down. Spoonful of sugar or not.

There is a strong Ageplay component to it all too. How often have you heard "This will make you all better!" or even "This will help you grow big and strong." Well these words have a special *ahem* meaning for me, especially when there is an expectant spoon being held out, full of some foul smelling--and even fouler tasting--liquid.

There is another ageplay component that is almost too obvious. By the time we can start to feed ourselves, our parents stop holding the spoon. That is, until we get sick, and have to take our medicine.

So transitioning into a more adult frame, being fed medicine is a type of a force feeding. This is a very specific kind of Power Exchange (a la BDSM), where control of what you eat, how much, when, and even how is controlled by someone else.

Finally, the kind of medicine administered can be interesting, diuretics, laxatives... even other more--interesting--medications.

1 comment:

LilJennie said...

Hi Becky! I don't really have a lot of interest in medical fetishism, but I just found your blog, so I wanted to post.

All I really have to add is that the only medical associations with infantilism I seem to have are being given medicine and having my temperature taken rectally, which hasn't happened to me since I was a little baby. Medicine was given to me either in a measuring spoon or in one of those little plastic things that are kind of like a graduated cylinder from chemistry combined with a spoonlike brim. I don't recall ever being given medicine in a pacifier.